
The Nurix Advantage


Data Integrity

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Data Integrity

Ensuring Data Integrity for
Accurate Gen AI Outputs

At Nurix, we prioritize data quality and integrity to deliver accurate generative AI solutions. Our robust data management and integration ensure our models are always grounded in truth.
Data Ingestion

Robust Data Ingestion

We start by building a robust data ingestion pipeline that can seamlessly connect to a wide range of enterprise data sources, including databases, data warehouses, CMS, and external APIs.
Normalise data structures and semantics
Deduplicate records and resolve conflicts
Annotate data with rich metadata

Contextual Data
Embedding & Retrieval

To further enhance the accuracy of our Gen AI solutions, we leverage advanced techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). This allows our models to dynamically retrieve relevant facts and information from the enterprise data during inference, providing context-aware and grounded responses.
Identify the most relevant information to include in the output
Avoid factual errors, inconsistencies or hallucinations
Provide responses that are tailored to the specific user's needs and intent

Continuous Data
Monitoring & Updating

Maintaining data integrity is an ongoing process. We continuously monitor the data powering our Gen AI models, tracking for any changes, anomalies or new information that needs to be incorporated. Our data engineering team works closely with your subject matter experts to:
Identify new data sources that should be onboarded
Detect and address any data quality issues or gaps
Refresh model embeddings to keep them up-to-date
By prioritising data integrity at every stage, Nurix is able to deliver Gen AI solutions that are firmly grounded in the truth of your organisation.
System Integration

Secure and Scalable Data
Integration for Gen AI

At Nurix, we understand that the quality and integrity of enterprise data is paramount to delivering accurate and reliable generative AI solutions.
Data Onboaring

Rapid Data Onboarding

We start by quickly identifying all relevant data assets across your organisation, from databases and data warehouses to content repositories and external APIs. Our pre-built connectors allow us to establish secure connections to these sources in a matter of days, not weeks or months. We then use advanced data integration techniques like:
Schema mapping to automatically match data fields
Intelligent data parsing to handle different formats
Incremental loading to keep data fresh and up-to-date
This enables us to get your Gen AI projects off the ground quickly, without lengthy manual integration efforts.
Data Harmonization

Comprehensive Data

Once the data is flowing, our team gets to work harmonising it into a clean, consistent format that Gen AI models can understand. We:
Normalise data structures and semantics
Deduplicate records and resolve conflicts
Annotate data with rich metadata
This ensures your Gen AI solutions are grounded in a single source of truth, without the noise and inconsistencies of raw enterprise data.

Robust Security and

Security and compliance are paramount when integrating data for Gen AI. We adhere to industry-leading standards like:
AICPA SOC 2 Type 2 and SSAE 18 for data security
HIPAA and GDPR for privacy and protected data
OWASP coding practices for secure software development
Our data pipelines use end-to-end encryption, role-based access controls, and other safeguards to protect sensitive information. We also provide detailed audit logs and reporting to demonstrate compliance.
Evaluation & Guardrailing

Responsible Gen AI: Rigorous
Evaluation and Guardrails

At Nurix, we are committed to responsible AI development. Our comprehensive framework ensures the accuracy, safety, and reliability of our generative AI solutions.
Testing & Evaluation

Robust Testing and Evaluation

Before any of our Gen AI models are put into production, they undergo extensive testing and evaluation on a wide range of benchmarks and datasets. We rigorously assess:
Factual accuracy - we test for hallucinations, inconsistencies and factual errors
Coherence and logical reasoning
Adherence to safety and ethics guidelines
Unintended biases and discrimination
Adherence to safety and ethics guidelines
Our testing process is designed to identify weaknesses and edge cases, so we can refine the models and improve their performance. We also continuously monitor deployed models for any concerning behaviours.
AI Guardrails

Responsible AI Guardrails

In addition to testing, we have built in multiple layers of guardrails to ensure our Gen AI systems behave responsibly:
Filtering of unsafe, unethical or illegal content
Prompts to encourage users to fact-check outputs
Confidence thresholds to avoid low-confidence responses
Transparency about model limitations and uncertainty
Ability to fine-tune models for specific use cases and domains
Our goal is to empower users with the benefits of generative AI, while mitigating potential risks and harms. We are committed to being at the forefront of responsible AI development and deployment.

Continuous Improvement

We know that responsible AI is an ongoing journey. We continuously research and implement new techniques for improving the accuracy, safety and reliability of our Gen AI models. We also actively engage with the broader AI community to share learnings and best practices.
By combining rigorous testing, responsible guardrails and a commitment to continuous improvement, Nurix is setting a new standard for trustworthy and reliable generative AI solutions.

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